About GURU - UK Cloud Hosting

Who are GURU?

(GURU) forms part of team.blue, a tech powerhouse that operates in the UK, Ireland, Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Belgium, Denmark, Turkey, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Greece, and the Netherlands. So, you get personal UK-based service from a company with international backing that always has the best-in-class solutions.

Who owns the hardware my Service is provided on?

We do. All our hardware is our own: we don’t rent it from any other provider.

Who supports the hardware?

We do. We have an onsite technical team at our main datacentre.

Hardware designed and used for purpose

All our services are designed for their purpose. That means routers, switches, servers and storage arrays - all specifically designed for the tasks we set them. That way, the resulting cloud hosting is super-fast and ultra-reliable.

Who supports me?

We do. We don’t outsource - we know more than anyone about our products, so we keep everything in-house with the experts.

Data Centre

We work with the brilliant people at Gyron Internet for our datacentre needs. They run the best facilities out there.